I have come to the following conclusions on whether children need to attend cram schools to improve their grades

1. Learning attitude determines academic performance. (A child who works hard, a child who studies hard, no matter what the foundation is, his progress is the greatest);

2. Study habits determine academic performance. (Children who understand how to attend classes, how to complete homework, and how to organize learning content tend to get better grades)

3. The vision of children and parents determines the future of children. (Meeting a good teacher can also affect a child's life)

"Hope for a child to become a dragon" is something everyone has. He is the long-cherished wish of every parent. This kind of thinking has long been ingrained in people's hearts. Everyone wants their children to grow in the future. In order to improve their grades, as parents, they still choose cram schools補習班to teach their children. It is an effective way to improve performance. If you make appropriate supplements according to your child's weak subjects, it is understandable. If you can achieve a targeted goal, the tutoring will still have a role. Therefore, we can't make a one-size-fits-all approach to off-campus tutoring institutions, nor can we completely deny the role of off-campus tutoring institutions and give qualified educational institutions. Support to ensure that such institutions really play a role; to resolutely ban training institutions that do not have teaching qualifications to ensure the quality of teaching. However, when parents sacrifice their children's excessive rest and behavior, it is not advisable to do too much extra-curricular tutoring without making a choice. It may make students physically and mentally tired, and their dislike of learning will increase day by day. It will bring disadvantages, and it is even more undesirable to educate some parents in advance and encourage them.

Initially, I would like to say that each subject has its own rules, and each subject has a different learning method. The subject of Chinese education must start with a lot of reading teaching and a lot of writing practice. However, many of our children's education starts with a large number of test-taking supplementary courses, which is a violation of the law of their learning and development. The result of violation of the law is that a child is afraid of language and hates language.

The study of test-taking skills is a supplementary strategy to get high scores, and it cannot be regarded as the whole of a child. Teach children to learn by themselves, let them learn automatically, and make them fall in love with learning. This is the ultimate goal of learning.

I always strive for this goal. My high-efficiency class is to help children score with the least amount of school hours, and my intensive reading class is to continuously cultivate children's learning ability. In my opinion, such a course is the most suitable for children.

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