Capabilities recognized by the International Coach Alliance

Coaching is a relatively new field, derived from a series of different conventions. These questions include: psychology, management

Theory, adult learning theory, philosophy, spirituality and sociology theory. Because this is a new mixed field, straight

Until recently, it remained largely complicated.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is a professional organization for coaches.ICF certification It provides rules for coaching and coach training courses.

Chapter system. Our certified management professional coaching course is registered with the International Coach Federation as a recognized coach for training and education courses. That's what I mean

The International Coach Federation has determined that our courses meet a series of strict quality standards, which ensure that graduates

Have the skills of a real coach. participating in the professional coaching technical course of enterprise certification management allows you to continue to register with the International Coaching Federation and apply for

As a certified coach.

The International Coaching League outlines a series of questions about the abilities they can think of as professional coaches. These 11 core competencies are distributed in 4

Under the question, this roughly matches the different coaching stages. They provide a good guide for your practical activities as a coach

guide. Certified professional coach courses are based on these abilities. The assessment activity you must complete is to prove that you have these 11 skills.

The core technical capabilities of each work in the project. These core capabilities are listed below. Each core technical capability has its own title and corresponding description.

Establish foundation

1. Meet the ethics and industry standards—understand the ethics and standards of coaching, and be able to use them appropriately

Into various coaching situations.

2. Establish a coaching agreement—be able to understand what is needed in a specific coaching interaction, and have the ability and potential

The new customer reached an agreement on the coaching process and partnership.

Create a relationship together

3. Establish trust and close relationship with customers-create a safe and supportive environment, and bring mutual support

Continued trust and respect.

4. Show coaching style-fully aware of customers with an open, flexible and confident style, and establish self-discipline with customers

But a frank relationship.

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The three core qualities of a coach

Four points for seeking change in coaching conversations

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