Wrong or correct use of skin care products, have you used it right?

Are your usual skin care techniques really correct? Incorrect skin care techniques can not develop and promote the absorption of young children’s skin, but it can have counterproductive effects. Let’s get the correct treatment techniques for skin care!

1. Essence

Error: apply the serum directly on the face

The editor dare to say that for 80% of the girls, we first pour the essence on the palm of our hand, and then apply the face and then pat the time or wipe evenly. This problem is the wrong way to make Your essence market cannot be absorbed well by the skin, and it is too wasteful.

Correct handling method: squeeze it on the palm or rub and heat it and then apply it to the face for massage

The correct method design should be to pour the essence on the palm of the hand first. You can rub the heat first and then apply it on the face area. You can also choose to apply directly along the direction of lymphatic drainage. This skin care method is effective The skin is better. Not only students can improve the absorption of our skin, but also effectively promote economic circulation!

2, spray

Error handling method: spray directly on the face

The fastest method of skin care is to spray directly on the face and finish it. It feels very comfortable. However, you don’t know, this incorrect skin care method will make your skin dry and dry. I have personally experienced it. reenex 膠原自生價錢

The correct approach: follow three principles

The correct method of spraying should follow three principles. First, raise your head when spraying; second, press the sprayed nutrient and moisture with your hands to better absorb it; third, after pressing, you find that there is moisture on the face , Use a paper towel to dry the residue very lightly; don't wait until it is naturally blown dry, which will make the skin drier instead.

3, eye cream

Wrong method: smear the eyes horizontally

Did you apply the eye cream directly from the area under the eye when you apply the eye cream, using a skin care technique that can be massaged in several directions?

Correct handling: use your fingers to gently tap and absorb

The method of applying eye cream is very particular. Incorrect application of eye cream can easily develop and cause eye health problems. You should first squeeze a small amount of eye cream on your fingers, and then gently apply it to the eye area and around Press gently on the skin of the eye, so that it is more helpful for the student’s eye skin to fully absorb, and the strength must be accurately grasped!

4. Toner

Error handling method: directly tap the toner with your hands

For all water-type cosmetics, beginners always think that these can be slapped with their hands. In fact, this is easy to develop and cause waste of resources, and it cannot allow the skin to absorb the company's better results, and the hands are not clean. If it is, it is also prone to infection leading to bacteria. reenex 膠原自生價錢

Correct handling: use a cotton pad and pat

When using toner, you can use a cotton pad to soak it and press the face to develop the area step by step, gently pressing or rubbing it step by step, so that it can clean the aging cuticle structure of the skin.

5. Face cream

Apply on the face in one step

Many people use face cream, and they always do it in one step. First squeeze a large amount of cream on the palm of the hand, rub it on the face, and then evenly spread the cream on the surrounding area. This practice really scares the villain , Hahaha~

The correct method: follow the steps

To apply the cream correctly, we can apply the facial area step by step. Apply on the chin, cheeks, forehead, and nose tip. You can use circular skin care techniques, starting from the chin to the forehead. Comfortable and enjoy!

6. Isolation

Error handling method: push away from the middle to all sides

Of course, the sooner the cream is used on the lazy person, the better. You can push it directly from the middle of the face to all sides. In this way, not only can students not accurately grasp the thickness of the cream that can be applied, it will be easy It can cause clogging of the pores of different skins, which can cause blackheads and cause more companies.reenex 膠原自生價錢

Correct handling: lightly stun and pat evenly

The most correct way to apply cream is to pat gently and evenly instead of rubbing. This will not only make the cream more suitable for the skin, but also make it easier to peel off the skin. It should be gently opened and then tapped gently to make the separation more even.

related suggestion:

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