Online shopping to receive hazard prevention tips

Online shopping has become a major trend now, so for online shopping experts, the term online payment is too familiar. All payments made through global gateway credit card processing the Internet can be called online payment. Maybe you didn't think about it when you paid. Whether there are risks in the past, but it is undeniable that there are still security problems in online payment. Let's take a look at how to prevent the dangers of online shopping payment.

In order to make netizens understand the dangers of online payment, the editor concluded that the main hidden dangers of online payment are:

1. Whether the receiving password is leaked: Once the criminals get the payment password in some way, they can easily pretend to be the cardholder for consumption, which will bring a lot of losses to netizens.

2. The received data may also be tampered with. If the computer is used with insufficient security precautions, the attacker can modify the payment data transmitted over the Internet, thereby stealing the bank card. Such as modifying the payment bank card number, modifying the payment amount, modifying the payee account number, etc.

In fact, as long as netizens are careful enough, these dangers can be completely avoided. As long as you pay attention to some common sense, most risks are impossible.

1. Learn to identify fake websites: The cardholder needs to confirm the authenticity of the name of the function variable of the website on the collection page. It is suggested that everyone should choose a commercial bank or a payment platform as a commonly used payment service provider, be familiar with the names of its functional variables, and be careful during payment operations.

2. Fake text messages (emails) are easier to identify than fake websites: after receiving any text messages unrelated to bank card or collection, cardholders should confirm the real identity of the sender of the text message or the content of the text message, and do not believe it sloppily. , and thus perform any unwise actions.

3. Do not configure simple passwords: Credit card passwords are very important. Do not configure simple data for easy memory, such as a simple combination of numbers similar to "123456", birthday information of yourself or your relatives, and telephone numbers. In addition, pay attention to the security of payment terminals, such as not making online payments in public Internet cafes, and installing anti-virus and anti-Trojan software on payment terminals.

Initially, if you need to use online transfer, online shopping and other online payment services, it is recommended that cardholders use the bank's own online payment channels to pay as much as possible. When trading online, you must use a USB shield or an electronic cryptographic device for digital signatures to ensure that each transaction is confirmed by the customer himself.

Credit card fraud is very rare in the past. Card users should be more careful when using credit cards for consumption, and do not sloppily tell others about the password of the credit card. Although most banks have lost card protection services, they do not have card friends during processing. It is as simple as we imagine, and the procedures are also very complicated.

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