8 hair growth remedies to promote students’ hair and growth

Black and beautiful hair can also 竹因子生髮 increase your image, but now many people have hair loss, hair thinning, there are many reasons for hair thinning, smoking, alcohol abuse, improper diet, stress can cause hair loss, if you want For long hair, try the following remedies.

1. Decoction of black dates

Take 6 black dates or red dates, 3 grams of Neijin, add water to decoct the two, and drink the soup to eat the dates.

2. Black sesame roux

Take the same amount of black sesame and drink the flour, stir-fry separately, fry the black sesame powder, then take the same amount of flour and black sesame each time, mix it with boiling water, eat it once a day, or add some brown sugar to taste.

3. Small sharp pepper wine

Take 20 grams of small sharp peppers, cut them into fine pieces, and take 50 ml of shochu, soak them in a bottle for 10 days, and then we use medicinal wine juice every day to smear the hair loss area. The technique can promote hair growth several times a day.

4. Black bean dandelion candy

500 grams of black beans and 150 grams of dandelion are boiled in water, then cut off the dandelion, and then add 200 grams of rock sugar to dry, and eat 100 grams a day.

5. Ginger

Many people have heard about the effects of ginger for hair growth. People who lose hair can slice ginger and wipe the areas of alopecia areata repeatedly to stimulate hair growth. Stick to it twice a day, and you can see the effect within a short period of time.

6. Ginger cures hair loss

Cut the ginger into slices, wipe the area with alopecia areata, stick to it 2-3 times a day to stimulate hair growth.

7. Shouwu Rehmannia

Cornus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Polygonum multiflorum and wolfberry are hsl 生髮 cooked together with water and juice, and then some black beans and walnuts are added to boil the walnuts, and then dried. You can take it once or twice a day, each time you need to take 6 grams.

8. Beer

If you just want your hair to grow back and grow faster, you can put beer on your hair to make it grow faster and protect it.

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