Rich excerpts and special content results

Rich excerpts and special content result blocks (ie selected excerpts) have become a major part of SEO, and we know that appearing in the SCRB area can bring a lot of traffic to your website.

On the other hand, appearing at zero position may mean that users will not click into your website, which means that you will not gain visits, or attract them to visit the website or count ad impressions.

That being said, the click-through rates that appear in these locations are very powerful and may be a great opportunity to introduce new users to your brand / site.

Go (navigation query) "Go" query is usually a brand or known entity query, where the user is querying to go to a specific website or location. If users specifically search for Adidas, then providing them with puma will not meet their needs.

Similarly, if your customers want to rank by competitor ’s brand terms, you need to ask them to question why Google displays their website when users are clearly looking for competitors.

It is one thing to define intent, and user journey is another. For a long time, customer journey is the main activity of planning and developing marketing activities and websites. When it is important to draw characters and plan how users navigate the site, it is necessary to understand how users search and at what stage of their journey they are in.

The term journey usually leads to the meaning of a straight path. Many basic user journeys usually follow the path of landing page> form or home page> product page> form.

you find consultants are passionate marketers that delivers online solutions by providing smart thinking and smart strategies that are most suitable for you to increase the sales and leads. In this internet era, digital marketing has never been so important to a business as the Internet is entwined with everything we do.

We assume that users know exactly what they want to do, but mobile and voice search have introduced new impetus to our daily lives and shaped our daily decisions in a different way.

youfind consultants are passionate marketers that delivers online solutions by providing smart thinking and smart strategies that are most suitable for you to increase the sales and leads. In this internet era, digital marketing has never been so important to a business as the Internet is entwined with everything we do.

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