looking for information that is relevant

Can you remember when you became motivated to buy your car? Suddenly, it appeared that you are seeing this particular model of car everywhere! You have never noticed how many of them were driving on the roads before you wanted it yourself.

There is a small part in our brain called Reticular Activating System (RAS for short); "attention centre" of your brain if you like. It is RAS that helped you to start noticing those cars on the road. Reticular Activating System is always looking for information that is relevant to you, and helps you to notice it.

Our internal filters also feed information into the RAS. Depending on our beliefs about ourselves, for example, the RAS will constantly look for the matches to support that belief.

For example, if you 'know' about yourself that you are very lucky, the RAS will look for the matches in outer reality to match this filter of yours. It will attract into your awareness lucky situations and circumstances.

Now here is the interesting bit. If you want to change your outer reality, what you need to do is to change your 'internal filters'. Then different information will be fed into the RAS, attracting completely different experience. Metaphorically speaking, to change our reality we need to change type of glasses we are wearing. Grey glasses full of doubt, anxiety and lack of self belief will allow us to see only very 'grey' reality. Pink glasses full of positivity and self belief will result in us seeing a completely different way.

To change grey glasses for ping ones takes an open mind, taking responsibility for one's life and a good dose of personal development.