7 tips to lower your heart rate every day

1. Exercise

The easiest and most effective way to lower your heart rate is to exercise regularly.

2. Drink plenty of boiled water

When the body is dehydrated, the heart system must learn to work harder to stabilize blood flow.

Drink sugar-free and caffeine-free beverages, such as water and herbal tea, every day.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Tobacco is not good for you, nor is it good for you.ekg electrocardiogram It contains nicotine, which makes your heart beat faster. If you can quit smoking, it means tachycardia.

At the same time, it is necessary to limit the intake of alcohol. Alcohol can accelerate blood flow, expand blood vessels, have a great excitatory effect on the heart, and make the heart beat faster.

4. Eat healthy

Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid spicy foods.

In short, the diet should be low in fat, low in animal protein, low in calories, low in salt, low in sugar, low in vitamins and low in fiber, which can help improve heart health and overall health.

5. Maintain weight

Being overweight or obese will put a heavier burden on the heart, so it must work harder to maintain blood flow to all organs, which inevitably leads to a faster heart rate.

6. Maintain adequate sleep

Don't stay up late, it is not uncommon to die overnight.

During sleep, the body consumes less energy, reduces the load on the heart, allows the heart to get a good rest, and makes the heart beat more powerful, which also helps to reduce our heart rate.

7. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude

Emotions have a great influence on heart rate. When people are over-excited, sad, impatient, anxious and nervous, their heart rate also increases. It can be said that in some cases, emotions are to blame for heart disease.

Whether it is a person with a fast heart rate or an ordinary person, you should maintain a calm mind in your daily life, don't be impatient, face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude, and don't be happy.

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