Why does my hair keep falling out?

Modern medicine believes that human hair loss is roughly related to ten factors.

One is androgenic alopecia

Also known as hereditary alopecia or seborrheic alopecia, it is an autosomal dominant disorder in which selective features are manifested only under androgen action. Androgenetic alopecia can occur when the body's androgen secretion is excessive. It is typically clinically characterized by shedding of hair from the forehead and temples on both sides, 生髮療程 in Mediterranean-like changes. In fact, androgenetic alopecia is not exactly the same as seborrheic alopecia, but often accompanies it because it is the main cause of seborrheic alopecia. Seborrheic alopecia is related to hormonal imbalance in the body. When the concentration of male hormones such as testosterone in the human body reaches 30 μg/L or more, the growth of hair follicle cells will be inhibited. The higher the concentration, the stronger the inhibitory effect. Due to the high level of androgen in the human body, the skin secretes vigorously, and then the hair follicles are excessively keratinized, which affects the nutrition of the hair follicles, causing the hair follicles to gradually shrink and destroy, causing hair loss.

Second, neurological alopecia

If we are burdened with huge mental life pressure for a long time, or are suffering from various diseases, our hair loss will develop rapidly and aggravate. Under the action of mental stress, the aerator pili 男士脫髮 of the human body contract, the hair stands upright, the autonomic or central nervous system is disordered, the hair follicles and papillae are changed and malnourished, which leads to the inhibition of hair growth function, and the hair enters the telogen stage and alopecia occurs.

Third, endocrine hair loss

Hair growth is affected by a variety of environmental endocrine hormones, so when it occurs and the endocrine system is abnormal, it will cause severe hair loss within a certain period of time. Menopause, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, hypopituitarism, hypoparathyroidism, adrenal tumors, and advanced acromegaly can all cause hair loss.

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