Recognize psychological counseling, everyone may also need it

Some people will have a misunderstanding about psychological counseling, thinking that they are sick, and people with problems need to see psychological counseling. Today I want to use her counseling experience to show everyone how psychological counseling can help you when you feel helpless and confused.

In college, she talked about a foreign relationship. 心理輔導,There are many cultural differences and communication difficulties between them. Faced with these constant and chaotic emotional problems, who can she tell if she is sentimental? Chat with your friends, people are very confused, private investigators; chat with your family, as if you have no ability and no growth. Since her elective course is psychological counseling, let us talk to the counselor.

It was the first time that she came into contact with psychological counseling, thinking that the teacher would tell her the answer directly. However, most of the time, the teacher just listened quietly, nodded, and occasionally made "Oh" sounds, and did not give her any guiding advice. She was disappointed and thought that psychological counseling was useless. Later, she realized that it was a manifestation of the professionalism of psychological counselors. Consultation is not a lecture, or expert opinion, or decision to seek help from someone. The counselor and the person seeking help experience a spiritual journey together.

After she worked in psychological counseling for several years, she encountered a difficult case. The experience of the seeker touched her nerves. She was deterred by the case. She knew that it was time to deal with her relationship with her native family. The results of that counseling allowed her to let go of her past psychological and ideological burdens and heal the hidden wounds of her childhood. She became more socially powerful to support the emotions of others, and to provide learning more to carry others' lives. The treatment space allows you to continue your studies on the professional road of psychological counseling.

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