The bladder can’t hold, should I endure it or treat it?

Does urine leakage require surgical treatment? Liu Huixuan suggested considering two aspects:

1. Is the quality of life affected?

The impact of urinary incontinence on life is affected by people.漏尿 Some people feel sad because of a little leak, afraid to go too far, afraid to smell, but some people leak 20 grams an hour, but can't feel it.

2. The degree of urine leakage: the doctor will use a cotton pad test to test the urine leakage situation: let the patient put a pad on the underwear, drink 400cc of water, and then start exercising, picking up things, listening to the sound of running water, and simulating possible activities in life. After one hour, measure the weight of the cotton pad and see how many grams of urine leaked:

Leakage of urine less than 1 gram: It may just be a secretion, don't worry

1~10 grams of urine leakage: slight urine leakage, you can try the following methods:

Strengthen the levator ani muscle (see page 100), which is used when urinating, usually for 6 to 8 weeks to improve leakage.

physiological feedback device: connect the electrode pads on both sides of the anus, start to practice contracting the levator ani muscle (same as Kegel exercise), and know whether the contraction position is correct through the reaction of the device.

Electrical stimulation or magnetic wave instrument: Stimulate and train the pelvic floor muscles through electricity and magnetic waves.

If the pelvic floor muscles can be properly trained using the above methods, there is a great chance that urinary incontinence will be improved.

Drug ︰ help squeeze the urethra than to improve leak.

Urine leakage of more than 10 grams: serious urinary incontinence, surgery may be considered.

Liu Huixuan pointed out that the operation to treat urinary incontinence is called "tension-free suspension surgery". The artificial suspension is placed under the patient’s middle urethra in a tension-free manner to help the patient solve the problem when they want to relieve the urine. Coughing, lifting weights) but not leaking urine.

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