If the CFM is low, a system's capacity for cooling or heating may not be enough for the space. This can result in uncomfortable temperatures throughout your home. On the other hand, if the measurement is too high, it will use too much energy and cause the system to wear down earlier than expected.抽油煙機推介
Range hoods are an important part of the overall kitchen aesthetic. The cold, harsh industrial style range hoods are out and warmer, sculptural range hoods are here to stay. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at modern range hoods and see what's trending in 2023.
Electric and induction cooktops release less heat and as a result, they require a less powerful range hood. Often, a ventilation power varying between 350 CFM and 500 CFM is sufficient, depending on your cooking habits.
The Best CFM for a Range Hood The power for range hoods is measured in CFM. Commercial kitchens or households that do heavy cooking should have a range hood with a minimum of 350 CFM. This amount of power is sufficient to pull out excess steam and strong odors from the kitchen.
其實如果是沒有相關經驗的人,並不建議自己安裝瓦斯爐,因為這涉及嚴重的安全問題,瓦斯爐如果沒有安裝得當,恐怕會導致瓦斯燃燒不完全,甚至是氣爆等重大危機. 另外,政府其實有明文規定,安裝瓦斯須持有「特定瓦斯器具裝修技術」,因此不管是自己安裝,或是找未持有證照的非專業人員安裝,其實都不合法.
To power your range hood, you need at least 100 CFM for every 10,000 BTUs of your stovetop. For example, a 100,000 BTU stove needs at least a 1000 CFM range hood. For electric stoves, multiply the stove width by 10. So, for a 42" electric stove you want a range hood with at least 420 CFM.抽油煙機消委會
吊隱式冷氣屬於分離式空調的一種,主機安裝於室外,而室內機隱藏於天花板之中,不會妨礙空間設計,十分美觀. 但是吊隱式冷氣安裝除了室內外機外,還需要配置集風箱與出風口,因此天花板需要降低30~40公分,所以屋高建議在2米8以上,並且將其規劃在大樑旁或是走道上方,較不會造成壓迫感與影響美觀.
A good CFM measurement for a range hood is 600 or more. This will accommodate most cooks. With an average size range, a 600 CFM hood typically won't leave you wanting more, as long as you avoid intense high-heat cooking or foods with strong smells.
A range hood fan should move a minimum of 100 CFM of air for every 12 inches of stove width. This means that if you have a stove that is 30 inches wide then you need a range hood with a fan that rotates at least 250 CFM of air.