

根據美國農業部USDA資料庫,每湯匙(約15克)橄欖油約含有132卡路里,喝一杯橄欖油通常包含三湯匙. 換言之,你可能每天額外攝取396卡的熱量. 專家建議,如果你想減肥或保持體重,最好避免喝橄欖油. 另外,你可能不會從這些卡路里中得到任何樂趣,因為橄欖油並不以其令人愛不釋手的味道而聞名.去凹凸洞方法

Can I cook with extra virgin olive oil?

Many people believe that it is not a good idea to cook with extra virgin olive oil. Several scientific studies have proven over the years that this myth is simply untrue. Not only is EVOO safe to cook with, but it is the most stable and safest cooking oil available.爽膚水就是化妝水嗎


常見的大豆油,玉米油,葵花油,葡萄籽油,發煙點可達200℃,但不適合拿來煎炒或爆香,因為它們的多元不飽和脂肪酸Omega-6含量超過六成,在高溫下容易變質. 若要使用這些油品炒菜,建議可加水變成低溫「水炒法」,降低油脂裂變機會.

How to drink olive oil daily?

Some studies report that people who live in the Mediterranean region drink ¼ cup (60ml) of olive oil each day. If you're drinking extra virgin olive oil for the first time, it's a good idea to start small and work your way up. Start with just one tablespoon of oil at first.

Which olive oil is best to drink daily for health?

When drinking olive oil for health benefits, you should always choose extra virgin olive oil. This high-quality olive oil contains higher amounts of healthy fats and antioxidants when compared to refined olive oils and thus will provide the most health benefits.

Is it good to take olive oil every day?

As a general rule of thumb, between one and two tablespoons a day is a good amount of olive oil to consume. This goes for both olive oil that you drink for health benefits and also olive oil that you consume with food as part of your regular cooking process.橄欖油推薦



How do I know if my olive oil is pure?

1. Smell and taste it. Pure olive oil will smell fresh and fruity, with hints of grass and almond. If it smells musty or has no smell at all, steer clear. It should taste a little bitter and have a slight peppery taste. Don't worry too much about the colour, though -- it can come in all kinds of shades.


橄欖油除了富含許多健康的脂肪酸,也含有不少的維生素E和維生素K,以及類胡蘿蔔素和酚類化合物(Phenolic Compounds)等抗氧化物,能幫助降低對身體有害的自由基,預防慢性病的發生,還有抗發炎,保護血管的效果,避免膽固醇氧化,進而降低罹患心臟病的風險.

Can I apply olive oil on my face daily?

Yes, you can apply olive oil on your face daily, but it's important to use it in moderation.