Thermage is able to reduce skin laxity almost everywhere on the body, including the face, neck/double chin, décolletage, eyelids, brow area, arms, stomach, buttocks, thighs, and above the knees. Ultherapy is limited to facial regions and the chest area, making it a less flexible treatment option.
The Thermage FLX can be used on the face, neck and body. Thermage is the only FDA approved skin tightening treatment for the eyelids. How does Thermage work? It uses radiofrequency energy to heat the skin.
However, Ultherapy is generally more effective when it comes to stimulating deeper skin layers. It also has longer-lasting results, particularly when it comes to correcting key facial issues like sagging jowls or drooping brows.
Ultherapy® 療程感到痛楚嗎? Ultherapy®療程開始前,醫生會先分析你的皮膚,在需要做療程的皮膚畫上記號,然後塗上麻醉膏靜待30分鐘. 進行療程時皮膚或會感到輕微刺痛,大部份人士均可接受. 完成Ultherapy® 療程雖要休息多久皮膚才會復原?
全臉hifu輪廓拉提,每次至少要打300 至600發,香港坊間「試做價」可能只打100發,難以見到成效. 不過,hifu發數也絕對不是越多越好,因hifu把能量聚焦定點後產生極高溫,打太多隨時令肌膚被灼傷,弄巧反拙.Mioggi thermage 效果
接受Ultherapy™療程後,您有可能會立刻看到初步效果,但最終成效一般會於兩至三個月內,待身體自然產生新的膠原蛋白時逐漸變得明顯. 雖然療程會刺激皮膚內在的膠原蛋白再生,但外在效果能持續多久就視乎個人體質及自然老化過程的情況.Mioggi 皮膚鬆弛
Is It Compatible With Other Cosmetic Treatments? This treatment can be used in combination with other skin rejuvenation options, such as Fraxel or vascular laser. In many cases, the treatment is also safe for those who have had dermal fillers. Thermage is safe to use over skin areas infused with most types of fillers.
Thermage FLX and fillers can be combined to form a potent offense against facial sagging, wrinkles, and volume loss. However, many of our patients also struggle with these concerns below the neck. Fortunately, you can treat your body with Thermage FLX and body fillers.
Side effects following RF microneedling are mild, resulting in minimal downtime after treatment. For some patients, there may be mild pinpoint bleeding and slight bruising. More typically, the skin is mildly red for approximately 24 hours. Most patients can resume their normal routine within a day.Mioggi 美容
New collagen production from thermage treatment can effectively lift and tighten the facial skin. It can also reduce pores, wrinkles and loose skin around the eyes, face and the neck.