How do I use a tampon

I remember the first time I saw a poster for the Vagina Monologues. I was quite young, and must have been around fourteen or fifteen. It was somewhere on the public transit system, and all I could think was: what on earth are the Vagina Monologues? Do they talk about their vaginas? Why would anyone want to talk about their vaginas? I was a young, awkward teenager who was still figuring out how I felt about my sexuality, menstruation, and other lady issues: are you supposed to shave? How do I use a tampon? What is… down there TV Mobile Stand?!

As I got older, I did a little digging around and eventually found out what the Vagina Monologues were about. I bought the book, a collection of monologues covering issues of body image, menstruation, hair, orgasm, masturbation, sexual violence, and cancer, based on over 200 interviews with women conducted by the author Eve Ensler. Last year, I went to see the show for the first time, and I absolutely loved it. And… a few months ago, I decided to try out for the Vagina Monologues myself. Let me just say that I am no actress (I can’t even lie about a surprise birthday cake)- but, miraculously, I was offered a part! Although I was a little unsure about my acting skills, I was so excited to be a part of the Vagina Monologues and the movement it stands for. We finally performed the Monologues on Monday and Tuesday, and it was a huge success Bordeaux wine! We sold out both nights, and even increased capacity so more people could attend. I am unbelievably sad that the Vagina Monologues are over now, but so grateful and blessed to have been able to be a part of it and to have done it with such an amazing cast and crew! Together, we raised over £1500 pounds for Fife Women’s Aid and the V-Day Foundation. Everyone I worked with was so immensely talented, and being able to work with them and learn from them has been such a humbling experience. Thank you to everyone who came to see the show- it means so much to the entire cast and crew, and your money is going to such a good cause. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend you go see it- or buy the book!- ASAP Flowers in Hong Kong delivery.