

滿十八歲為成年. 未滿七歲之未成年人,無行為能力. 滿七歲以上之未成年人,有限制行為能力. 限制行為能力人為意思表示及受意思表示,應得法定代理人之允許.


1. 4-6 週內避免提重物,若需提5 公斤 以上重物時,建議可使用束腹帶固 定傷口,避免疼痛及下墜感. 2. 避免長時間坐或站,勿激烈運動, 如騎機車,腳踏車,爬山,游泳.

第 三胎 陣痛 多久 要去醫院?

生產三大徵兆,不一定有固定的前後順序,也可能沒有落紅及破水,直接就是陣痛期. 第一胎大約7-8分鐘出現一次規則性陣痛時,就可以準備去醫院, 第二胎以上則是規則收縮就必須提早到醫院,因為經產婦的產程比較快,生產時間也比較短.

What are the indications for termination of pregnancy?

Grounds for Termination

1. If the pregnancy would involve a risk to the life of the pregnant woman or of grave injury to her physical and mental health. 2. If there is a substantial risk that if the child was born, it would suffer physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped.

What age can woman stop getting Pap smears?

But cervical cancer screening is recommended to stop at age 65 in many places and, for a variety of reasons, many older adults stop getting screened for cervical cancer well before that age.家計會終止懷孕


生產後第一天子宮底約到肚臍水平位置,然後每天下降一指寬, 大約在產後十天,子宮會回到骨盆內,就無法在腹部觸摸到子宮,大 約在產後六週,子宮可以恢復到懷孕前的大小和形狀. 一,目的:幫助子宮復原及惡露排出,預防因子宮收縮不良引起的 出血.



手術多採用全身麻醉,因此術前需空腹8小時,會從靜脈注射麻醉藥物,實際手術時間約30分鐘內可以結束,會利用吸引的方式將妊娠組織吸出來. 手術後會有少量出血,通常一週內就會止血了,術後會在院觀察1-2小時,待麻醉藥物代謝至病人清醒即可離院.陰蒂修復手術

What is the best time to do Pap smear?

If it is shorter or longer, you should count 14 days from the first day of your last period. That is when the cells of your cervix are most likely normal. Menstruation can cause changes in the cells of your cervix. For this reason, it's best to avoid having a Pap smear during your period.

Is a Pap smear necessary?

This test should occur every three years for ages 21 to 29. Those ages 30 to 65 should have a Pap test every three to five years. [If you are younger than 21, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says you do not need this type of screening," said Amy E.

What is the root cause of unwanted pregnancy?

Unintended pregnancy can result from contraceptive failure, non-use of contraceptive services, and, less commonly, rape. Abortion is a frequent consequence of unintended pregnancy and, in the developing world, can result in serious, long-term negative health effects including infertility and maternal death.