SMART 原則有哪五個要點?

SMART 原則有哪五個要點?

SMART 目標的重要性
夠明確(Specific) 目標應清楚明確,並能以簡單易懂的方式表達,例如賣出100 件商品,取得200 個新訂閱者,或開發20 個符合條件的潛在顧客.
可衡量(Measurable) ...
可達成(Achievable) ...
相關聯(Relevant) ...


建議可到照相館由專業人士來指導拍攝,照片可以廣泛使用在履歷外也可以使用在任何申請證件上面. 若預算足夠並您是需要專業形象者,甚至可以前往需要預約制的專業形象攝影照相館,包含髮妝打理和造型設計,拍攝出來的效果最能凸顯出自己的完美形象.


2. 一般常見算法
百分制分數 GPA 成績級別
85~100分 4 傑出High Distinction(HD)
75~84 3 優異Distinction(D)
65-74 2 良好Credit(C)
50-64 1 及格Pass(P)
尚有 1 列



人力銀行系統會呈現求職者對該企業的應徵紀錄,該企業可以看到你應徵過公司哪些職缺,也會知道應徵的日期. 當你第2次應徵同一職缺,企業多少會有印象,系統上也會一目了然. 所以,若你打算再次投遞,請務必要重新優化履歷,必須更吸引企業,不要抱持著僥倖的心態.cv點寫

Do hiring managers know if you use ChatGPT?

There are a number of ways hiring managers can tell if you've used ChatGPT as a crutch: GPT Zero is an application that identifies if something has been written by AI. Your CV or application will be non-specific and riddled with clichés. Your cover letter will lack the personality it needs to stand out.


若是長度過長,會顯得很像偷穿大人衣服的感覺. 穿西裝要繫皮帶:穿西裝通常是出席正式場合,搭配皮帶才有明顯上下半身比例,看起來也有精神,也是男生穿西裝必備的配件之一. 皮鞋與皮帶顏色相近或同色系:撇除西裝顏色,皮帶與皮鞋顏色建議一致.

Is Canva Pro still free for students?

A powerful, free tool for classrooms, districts and students. Canva Pro is free for all registered nonprofits. Apply today.



How do I turn my resume to a CV?

To turn your resume into a CV follow these steps:
Use the right format.
Add the right personal details.
Add to your work experience.
Add your education.
Create new sections as needed.
Assess tone and emphasis.

Do I need to list all my jobs on a CV?

As a rule of thumb, your CV should only list the last 10 to 15 years of your work experience, or your last five to six employment positions within this time frame.香港安全經理職位