

如何有效改善房間潮濕? 教你超簡單4妙招!
1. 增加通風系統 開窗通風是最簡單的室內空氣改善方法,讓空氣流通,有助於將濕氣排出房間,改善房間潮濕. ...
2. 除濕機 若家裡位在較潮溼的地區或梅雨季節時,建議可以使用除濕機來有效地降低潮濕程度. ...
3. 保持適當的室內溫度 ...
4. 修復漏水問題


日旅達人林氏璧最近在臉書粉專「日本自助旅遊中毒者」指出,上次發起投票,到日本買價差大值得買的東西,Uniqlo名列第一名,合利他命僅排第二. 排第三的是水果,其他包括日本酒,無印良品,DHC,精品,Panasonic吹風機,若元錠及象印電鍋.



為了保護肌膚以及咽喉不受乾燥侵害在睡覺的時候也讓加濕器開著的覺得看上去好. 但是,也讓加濕器就寢時開著不好. 如果舒適的濕度變得比這個40-60%左右高霉以及細菌容易對人來說繁殖,如果變得比這個低細菌以及病毒變得容易頻繁地活動.香薰機推介

Do diffusers clean the air?

Unfortunately, essential oils do not improve indoor air quality. In fact, they actually worsen indoor air quality when used in diffusers.家用香薰機

How long does an electric diffuser last?

Generally the diffuser has a life span of around 4000 hours. There is a spinning ceramic disc in the base along with a small motor, and over time the disc wears so thin that it can no longer produce the ultrasonic vibration required to move the water and create mist.


1. 保持房間整潔 定期打掃房間,維持房間整潔,特別是潮濕易滋生霉菌的角落和死角,可以有效防止霉菌生長,保持空氣清新乾爽,改善房間潮濕.
2. 保持乾燥 保持房間乾燥是防止潮濕和霉味的關鍵. ...
3. 選擇吸濕性良好的建材

What's better, wax melts or diffusers?

Because wax melts are more concentrated, you can appropriately measure the amount of essential oils allocated each time you use your wax melter. If you add too much essential oil into your diffuser, not only do you find yourself wasting SUPER expensive oils, but you end up with a strong and oftentimes harsh fragrance.


一定要將擴香瓶放置在室內陰涼的空氣流通處! 避免日曬,門窗緊閉,以及同時使用冷暖氣或除濕機. 以200ml的擴香瓶來說,若放置在3~5坪空間,約可以使用2~3個月.

How far should a diffuser be from your bed?

The distance you keep your diffuser from yourself is the most important thing to think about. As incredible the benefits of essential oils are, there is such thing as too much. It is generally best to keep your diffuser a few feet away, especially if you keep it in your bedroom.

Are air freshener diffusers safe?

Inhaling small amounts of most air fresheners is usually not dangerous. Swallowing the gel-type evaporative beads or reed diffuser solutions can cause serious effects. There are also concerns about the adverse effects of repeated air freshener use on the environment and the body's health.香薰機香港