Can I start taking the pill anyt…

Can I start taking the pill anytime?

How do I take the pill? You can start the pill anytime in your menstrual cycle if you are sure you are not pregnant. If you start on the first day of your period you are protected from pregnancy straightaway. If you start your pill at any other time you will need to use condoms for the first 7 days.

What is the name of the new birth control pill?

The new contraceptive, called Opill, is available to anyone regardless of their insurance coverage or whether they've seen a doctor. Perrigo, Opill's manufacturer, has set the price at $19.99 for a one-month supply, with discounts for three- and six-month orders.事前避孕藥好處


只要妳間隔7天後有吃下一盒,這段時間仍是安全的,不用戴套. 若是到第8天還是沒有月經,最好先驗孕排除懷孕,沒懷孕的話,可繼續吃下一包,或是先找醫生檢查子宮內膜的情況,若積血不多,直接吃下一盒無妨. 吃避孕藥時,月經通常會減少,有時會少非常多,這是正常的現象,不用擔心,只要停7天後,下一包有正常開始吃,就是安全的.



高雄醫學大學附設醫院副院長,婦產科教授鄭丞傑說明,目前避孕效果最好的是口服事前避孕藥,效果高達99%,且正確使用非常安全. 根據研究證實,長期服用口服避孕藥,可降低卵巢癌,子宮內膜癌發生率,但不會增加乳癌發生率,且停藥後即可恢復受孕能力.


食藥署對於緊急事後避孕藥轉類為指示藥品,將規定廠商須執行下列措施: 廠商需提供藥師相關教材,執行藥師教育訓練. 限制使用年齡為17歲以上.

Can I get pregnant on birth control?

If you use it perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. But people aren't perfect and it's easy to forget or miss pills - so in reality the pill is about 93% effective. That means about 7 out of 100 pill users get pregnant each year.


使用方式及週期 大約費用 (新台幣)
口服避孕藥 每天吃 20-600/月
避孕貼片 每週換新 200/片
陰道避孕環 每月置換一次 600/個

How long does it take for your body to come off the pill?

How long do side effects last after coming off the pill? Give it at least 3 months for your hormones to settle. Usually, any significant side effects should settle around the three-month mark as your menstrual cycle becomes more regular.避孕藥牌子推薦

What happens if you don't bleed while on the pill?

Skipping withdrawal bleeding while using birth control is generally safe and comes with few, if any, side effects. 56 Those effects can range from breakthrough bleeding to not always being able to determine if you're pregnant or not.

What happens if you don't wait 6 weeks after birth?

Your uterus contracts and you'll be good as new soon. But to be sure to allow time for that healing, medical providers recommend a waiting period. Inserting items into your vagina could potentially introduce bacteria, which could travel through your cervix and into your uterus, and cause infection. Yikes!低劑量避孕藥推薦