If you score above 130, then you have a score higher than the IQ ranges of the average population, and below 70 would be lower than the average population. Superintelligent or gifted people get an average score of 120 to 140, and only about 2% of the population scores more than 130, considered to be genius.
In fact, despite reading ability, people who have dyslexia can have a range of intellectual ability. Most have average to above-average IQs, and just like the general population, some have superior to very superior scores. So, our kids not only seem smart.幼兒發展
Dyslexia can be genetic and research has suggested that a number of inherited genes may predispose someone to develop this brain disorder. Other risk factors include low birth weight, being born premature, and exposure to substances during gestation that affect brain development.
Q:家長可以如何幫助有閱讀理解障礙的孩子? 家長可以透過多種方式支持孩子,如提供額外的閱讀時間,一起閱讀並討論書籍內容,使用視覺幫助工具來增加理解,以及鼓勵孩子在舒適無壓力的環境中練習閱讀. 另外,尋求學校或專業人士的幫助進行個別化教育計劃也是非常重要的.
Dyslexics are often great storytellers. In fact, there are many famous dyslexic writers; think F. Scott Fitzgerald, Agatha Christie, and WB Yeats, to name a few.
Many gifted people at the top of their fields are dyslexic. While people with dyslexia are slow readers, they often are very fast and creative thinkers. Can people with dyslexia learn to read? Most children and adults with dyslexia can learn to read-but with more effort than their peers.
Salma Hayek, Keira Knightley and Tom Cruise are some of Hollywood's brightest stars – and they have dyslexia. Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo Picasso possessed some of the greatest minds and talents in history and they were dyslexic.
Signs of dyslexia in teens
Difficulty reading aloud or copying out text. Difficulty concentrate when reading or doing homework. Particularly bad spelling, with some letters or numbers written the wrong way round. Writing slowly or struggling to finish tests in the time set.