What is the longest lasting tear…

What is the longest lasting tear trough filler?

a. The Type of Tear Trough Filler Applied
Type of Filler Used How Long it will Last
Restylane 12 to 16 months
Juvederm 9 months to 1 year
Belotero Balance 6 months


期間請勿抓,撕或其他方式撕裂脫皮,必須讓老廢皮質自然脫落. 嚴禁使用任何保養品,嚴禁上妝. 請採購舒特膚乳霜在治療期間使用,請隨身攜帶小瓶舒特膚隨時補充保持臉部滋潤. 治療期間只能使用清水沖洗臉部(不可搓洗),嚴禁使用清潔用品,也不可搓洗臉部.

Is Lumi eyes Botox?

Lumi Eyes is NOT a filler. It is a high-quality injectable product based on polynucleotides that repair damage to the dermis with tissue regenerating material. It destroys dark circles under the eyes, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles, as well as smoothing and lifting the skin under the eyes.Mioggi 好用


霧眉或飄眉結痂持續的時間平均約3-7 天,影響的因素包括每個人的體質,紋繡師的技術,施作後的護理等,通常在7 天內會自然脫落. 當然也是會有超過7 天仍未結束結痂期的例子,可能就是因為身體的恢復能力較差,可多補充蛋白質,維生素A,維生素B 群,維生素C,鋅和鉀等營養素.


做臉通常包括深層清潔,去角質,清粉刺,敷臉和按摩等項目. 深層清潔可以去除皮膚表面的污垢,去角質幫助去除死皮細胞,清粉刺可以收縮毛孔,敷臉能增加滋潤和修護肌膚,按摩則可以促進血液循環,增加肌膚彈性. 總而言之,做臉不僅能夠徹底清潔肌膚,給予肌膚全面的護理和滋潤,使其維持良好的狀態.

How to tighten face skin after 40?

Skin may loosen or sag as people age due to changes in the molecules that keep it elastic, firm, and hydrated. Ways to help tighten loose skin include exercise, supplements, and laser resurfacing. Most people start to experience skin laxity, or loosening, between the ages of 35 and 40 years .Mioggi 好用


1.梳化時避免大力摩擦肌膚 不論是洗臉,擦乳液還是上妝,都要記得避免大力摩擦或推擠皮膚,否則便容易造成皮膚生成皺紋與下垂. ...
2.避免長時間低頭滑手機,用手托腮 ...
3.忌吃太多甜食 ...
4.避免熬夜 ...
5.勤擦防曬 ...
6. 勤作臉部運動 ...
音波拉提 ...

Can a lumi eye go wrong?

Not typically, but needles are carefully injected around the eye. Small blebs will form which will typically disappear in hours. Due to delicate nature of the skin under the eye, this treatment can cause bruising.


主要根源有兩種 毛孔粗大的原因可以分成兩種,一種是因為肌膚少了支撐力,毛孔變得鬆垮,凹陷而造成的毛孔粗大. 另一種則是因為毛孔堵塞,油脂分泌過多無法排出,長時間累積後把毛孔給撐大而導致的毛孔粗大.Mioggi 產品價錢

