

通俗地说,董事长是公司最大的老板,不属于公司员工的范畴,可以任命,评估甚至解雇CEO,但董事长的权力只在董事会的职责范围之内,不管理公司的具体业务,不掌握行政权力. CEO即首席执行官,受聘于董事会,在董事会授权范围内,拥有对公司事务的代理权和管理权,拥有最高的行政级别,负责监督公司的整体运营.

Which is better, CISSP or CISM?

CISM is ideal for professionals aspiring to specialize in information security governance, risk management, and compliance, whereas CISSP suits individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of security principles.資訊科技總監


No.10 公司有給員工發展願景 ...
No.9 理想的工作環境 ...
No.8 公司在乎員工的感受或心聲 ...
No.7 彈性上下班 ...
No.6 能夠選擇在家工作 ...
No.5 工作伙伴相處融洽 ...
No.4 工作有明確目標,方向 ...
No.3 重視家庭價值:托育,安親,生育補助

Is CISA exam hard?

Exam Difficulty. Both the CISSP and CISA certifications are well known for their difficulty. This is due not only to their long list of knowledge domains tested against but also to the complexity of the questions.


協理英文: senior manager / assistant vice president / director

而協理再往上就有可能是副總了,因此協理有可能是副總的副手,所以也有人將協理翻譯為assistant vice president ─ 副總的副手.

What is the difference between CISA and CISM?

CISA is geared towards professionals involved in auditing and assurance of information systems, while CISM is tailored for those involved in information security management and strategy.

Is CISSP better than CISA?

The final decision between CISSP and CISA is based on your interests and career objectives. If you are passionate about cybersecurity and want to design and implement security programs, CISSP may be the better choice. If you are more interested in auditing, risk management, and compliance, CISA may be a better fit.


有一夜,牛頓坐在鄉間的一棵蘋果樹下沉思. 忽然一個蘋果掉落到地上. 於是他發現所有的東西一旦失去支撐必然會墜下,繼而他發現任何兩物體之間都存在著吸引力,而這引力更與距離的平方成反比,總結出萬有引力定律.

What is after CISM?

If you are a CISM who hopes to make it to the C-suite one day, pursuing an Associate C|CISO cert is a strategic choice. The course is designed explicitly for the CIO career path - even if you don't have the minimum five years of experience in three of the Certified CISO domains.人工智慧軟體工程師


主要專業課程內容包含電路學,電子學,電磁學及工程數學(線性代數,微分方程,機率學,拉普拉斯與傅立葉變換及複變函數). 如果你學習電機工程,你可以學到運用基礎科學及數學運算有效結合「電」的知識,並搭配機械,通訊,控制,電腦,電子電路等相關軟硬體技術,解決日常生活中所要達到的應用.資訊科技官