

最大的差異:CV 與Resume 的內容長度不一樣

CV 通常內容更多,篇幅更長,而resume 則篇幅精簡,1 ~ 2 面A4 的長度. CV 的內容更多也表示需要寫得更加詳細,除了成果,還要highlight 過程是如何進行的,而resume 則以強調結果為主.

Do you put age on a CV?

In most cases, it is not recommended to include your date of birth on a CV. Under the Equality Act of 2010, it is illegal to discriminate against individuals on the basis of age in areas such as employment. If you're not receiving responses to your CV when applying for a job, try to remove your CV date of birth.

How do I know if my CV is good?

What should I focus on when checking my resume?
Avoid cliches and buzzwords.
Don't lie on your resume.
Edit typos and grammatical errors.
List achievements, not responsibilities.
Include related experience only.
Create multiple tailored resumes.
Embed your personality.
Keep a clean and organized formatting throughout.
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Is Canva considered a skill?

Canva is a valuable skill for your resume, especially if you're in a field like graphic design, digital marketing, or content creation. It can showcase your technical proficiency, experience with key software, and ability to create professional, visually appealing documents.

Is CV more important than interview?

A stronger resume helps a poor interview, as not every person has a talent for writing and can highlight that he/she is a perfect applicant for the position. This works vice versa. If the resume isn`t that good as the candidate is, of course he/she will get a job.

Are resumes in Japan handwritten?

Japan is a country of traditions, and the practice of handwriting your resume is still preferred by some companies. In fact, the neatness of your resume can even be part of the hiring manager's filtering criteria. Many will look for clearly written kanji that are consistently aligned.

Is it better to upload resume or CV?

Unless an employer specifically asked you for a CV or you work in a field where CVs are standard, it's best to submit a resume over a CV. Outside of the US, it is more common for employers to ask job seekers for a CV or to use the term interchangeably with 點寫

Can I use paid Canva for free?

You can use paid features of Canva Pro for free during the 30-day trial period. After that, a subscription is required.

Should I use Word to make a CV?

Most people prefer a Word document (. doc or . docx) due to the format being easily opened, editable and readable by ATS software, or an Applicant Tracking System. Many large companies and recruiters use ATS to automatically sift through CVs to ensure only suitable matches are sent to the hiring manager.C++ 工程師


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2. 中段:列舉你的重點經歷,專長(60%)
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